The Most Popular Day Of The Year To Cheat!

Better check your person’s phone for clues! It’s dubbed “Frisky Friday” (I missed the memo)
July 22 is the most popular day for cheating, according to the UK’s top “married dating site” Illicit Encounters.
The site has predicted a 77% rise in UK affairs this day, noting that it’s the last day parents have their kids in school before summer break begins — so it’s the final chance to quickly hook up.
However, a whopping 87% of people on the site said they plan to continue messaging their lovers online through the summer vacation.
So by these rules, June 29th would have been our “cheating day in Ontario as that was the last day of school for our kids...
A quarter of affairs are busted by suspicious partners going through their partner’s phones.

Here Are Signs That Your Partner Might Not Be Yours And Yours Alone!
When your person suddenly starts to take an interest in themselves, and how they look, they change how they appear, lose weight, and start going to the gym. Another sign, they carry their phone everywhere.
The Lies People Tell Before Cheating!
“I’m Meeting Up With A Friend For A Quick Drink”
“Don’t Wait Up”
“I Have A Meeting, or Am Traveling for work”
“Don’t call my work phone, as my boss will get upset if I take personal calls.”
“I’ve got a new credit card, but it’s just for work.”
According to Ashley Madison Women are more likely to cheat 65% of the time vs men at 56%…
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