What’s the worst thing a guest can do at a wedding? A new survey looked into it, and getting too drunk did make the list. But it’s not #1.
The biggest faux pas you can make is ignoring the invite and not RSVP’ing at all. 80% think it’s extremely rude and inappropriate.
Here are the five rudest things a wedding guest can do . . .
1. Not RSVP’ing yes or no, 80%.
2. The dress code is formal, but you dress casually. Like showing up in jeans. 79% say it’s inappropriate.
3. Wearing something fancier or more extravagant than the couple, 77%
4. Getting too drunk. 74% say it’s rude, 7% are neutral, and 19% think it’s fine. So, one in five of us think you should EXPECT drunk people at weddings.
5. Giving a speech without permission, also 74%.
72% think it’s rude to propose at someone else’s wedding, 65% say the same about bringing a plus-one without permission, and 59% say you should never wear white.
The poll also looked at the most inappropriate things couples can do at their wedding. The top vote-getters are: Asking guests to pay for their meal, the bride’s dress showing too much skin, not allowing any plus-ones at all, and making people pay for their drinks. So open bars are still very popular.
Last few stats: The most popular old-school wedding traditions today are: The father-daughter dance, the father giving the bride away, the mother-son dance, the groom asking for the dad’s blessing, and tossing the bouquet.
The least popular by far is the bride vowing to “obey” her husband. Only 15% think we should keep that tradition.
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