You’re Less Likely To Be Overweight If You Eat Three Servings of this Dish Daily!

The traditional Korean dish made of fermented vegetables, such as cabbage or radish, could help reduce fat in the stomach area — and potentially decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Babbage and radish are both high in dietary fibers, microbiome-enhancing lactic acid bacteria, vitamins and polyphenols — and consuming up to three servings of kimchi daily can reduce a person’s chances of developing obesity.
Kimchi is made by salting and fermenting vegetables and adding seasonings such as garlic, onion and fish sauce.

Previous research has shown that bacteria from kimchi has an anti-obesity effect in animals, but very few studies have examined the association between kimchi consumption and obesity.
The study found that three or more servings of cabbage kimchi for men was associated with a 10% lower prevalence of being overweight, as well as a 10% lower prevalence for high levels of abdominal fat.
For women, two to three daily servings of cabbage kimchi were associated with an 8% lower prevalence of being overweight, and one to two daily services were associated with a 6% lower prevalence of high levels of abdominal fat.
However, those who ate too much kimchi — five or more servings per day — weighed more, had a bigger waist size and were more likely to be overweight compared to the participants who had less than one daily serving.
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