Pratt Homes Buries Another Time Capsule

To be opened in 50 years

Pratt Homes has added another Time Capsule to one of its developments. Company officials and homeowners at the Upper West Side condos on Ferndale Drive South gathered Monday afternoon at the entrance to the complex to bury the capsule at the base of ‘Cleopatra’s Needle’, a replica of the original in New York City’s Central Park. It is directly across the street from Pratt’s Manhattan condo community, another ‘Needle’ and another Time Capsule. Inside are copies of local newspapers, a Barrie Colts calendar from the past season, memories from residents, coins, movie stubs and a Kool Fm Shower Radio. The plan, is to open the capsule in 50 years offering residents a glimpse of the city’s past.

Pratt Homes owner, Karen Hansen places one of three time capsules at Upper West Side development on Ferndale Drive South in Barrie

Upper West Side resident, Lawrence Bacik, shovels first load of dirt into Time Capsule