More Than Half Of Us Think Its Totally Fine To Snoop Through Someone’s Medicine Cabinet!

We've all done it!

When you use someone’s bathroom, do you ever look through their medicine cabinet to see what they’ve got in there?  

A new survey found 60% of us think it’s totally FINE to do.


Researchers also looked at the bathroom products we’re most likely to borrow or use while we’re in someone else’s bathroom.

The top ten are . . .

1.  Shampoo.  51% said it’s acceptable to use it.

2.  Toothpaste, also 51%.

3.  Conditioner, 44%.

4.  Lotion, 38%.

5.  Mouthwash, 37%.

6.  Shaving cream, 36%.

7.  Facial cleanser, 34%.

8.  Moisturizer, 33%.

9.  Toner, 28%.

10.  Under-eye cream, 27%.


Half of us have lied about using something.  And 21% even said they’d use someone’s TOOTHBRUSH if they needed to.
