Nearly Two-Thirds Of Moms Feel Guilty For Doing This Instead Of Spending Time With The Kids

Mom’s have a lot on their plate, quite literally!

Messy kitchens are leaving millennial moms anxious and moody, according to new research.


Does a messy kitchen haunt your dreams?  Over half of moms in a new survey say that they can’t sleep at night unless their kitchen is clean.


The average sink has at least five dirty dishes at any one time finds the survey.


The study, conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Dawn Powerwash Dish Spray, found 72% of respondents admitted their kitchens have become significantly messier in recent months.


Since the lockdown began, 69% of moms confess that the sink has dirty dishes more often than not.

Here’s how moms deal with the mess!

  • Four in five moms surveyed said they feel calmer when they clean their dishes immediately instead of delaying the chore for later.
  • Three in four moms reported feeling reduced mental burden and anxiety if they have the dishes clean before they even sit down to enjoy a meal.
  • And 67% of those surveyed said they choose to clean their dishes as they cook in hopes of finding a sense of peace.