The Top Things We Just Don’t Have Time For Anymore!

Who has time these days?

The hectic life we all seem to have these days, leaves us little opportunity for “me time” or even doing the little things like cooking dinner for the family and doing things together.


Of the 2000 people in this survey, many agree that taking care of others and looking after children sucks up all their free time.

When asked, if given the opportunity, most people wish they had just an extra 17 minutes a day to accomplish more!

So a new survey looked at the top things we feel like we just don’t have time for.  Here are the top ten.


1.  Exercising.

2.  Reading.

3.  Spending time outdoors. (45% wish they could be greener)

4.  Spending time with family.

5.  Sorting through your old junk.

6.  Yard work.

7.  Cooking from scratch.

8.  Catching up with friends.

9.  Deep cleaning your home.

10.  Watching movies.

A few more that just missed the top ten are do-it-yourself projects, volunteering, recycling, learning an instrument, and full grocery shopping trips.

