Yes! Parents Do Steal Their Kids Halloween Candy, And Other Fun Facts!


According to a new survey, three quarters of parents steal at least a little bit of the candy their kids get trick-or-treating.  And some take even more.

1.  About three out of five parents take at least 10% of the candy.

2.  One in four parents take at least 25% of the candy.

3.  And one in eight parents take at least HALF their kids’ candy.


The survey also found that 72% of people have re-worn a Halloween costume from a previous year, either to save money, or because they loved it so much.


Halloween Fun Facts:

  • $8.8 billion in projected Halloween spending in 2019.
  • $3.2 billion in Halloween costume spending in 2019.
  • $2.6 billion in Halloween candy spending in 2019.
  • 36% of parents who think 12 or 13 years old is old enough to trick-or-treat alone.
  • 72% of parents who admit to stealing candy from their kids.
  • $300+ million: Annual revenue from ticket sales for haunted attractions, 80% of which are run by charities.