Fortnite World Cup Sees A Canadian Take Third Place!

3rd place isn’t something to scoff at when it lands you a $1.2 million pay check!

His name is Hayden Krueger and he is the Canadian that took 3rd place at the Fortnite World Cup over the weekend in New York!  Like many of these Fortnite gamers, Hayden is a teenager!  He told the CBC in an interview via Skype;

‘I wanted to do something different with my life,’ so he practises up to 12 hours a day.

Hayden is from Calgary originally and now lives in the states and is said to earn even more money this year playing Fortnite, with tournaments earning bring him another $150,000 and that doesn’t include sponsorship deals or streaming revenues. 

More on Hayden can be found here.

Fortnite World Cup