Cat & Bunny Cuddlers WANTED

City of Toronto (WAS) Seeking Volunteers

The City of Toronto posted an ad online over the weekend looking for volunteers to cuddle and “play with the cats and rabbits in the shelters to help with their socialization skills.”

EXCUSE ME?!– Sign me up!

And that’s exactly what so many other cat/bunny/lover-of-all-things-cute-and-fluffy kind of people said. Now the posting has a “thanks, but no thanks” edit at the top of it, because so many good samaritans out there wanted to help out the animal shelters after this opportunity went viral.

Now, just so YOU know, this volunteer position isn’t anything new. Animal shelters across the GTA have had this same very position available for years, in hopes to help the animals with socialization to eventually lead to their adoption.

Check out the actual posting HERE for more details.

But still could you imagine?! Getting in on some kitty love for a couple hours a day?!