The Not Too Late Show With Elmo Streams ON May 27th ON HBO Max! (Crave In Canada)
This looks like a lot of fun for the entire family!
Bon Jovi Would Have Been Releasing New Music Today If Not For COVID-19.
The new album is titled Bon Jovi: 2020, and it was originally scheduled to come out today.
Scoobs! Is Debuting On Demand Today! May 15th!
Movie Night!
Jon Hamm (Mad Men) Thanks Canadians And Barrie Ontario!
He looks good as a Canadian!
Canadians, Start Your Engines. May The Best Woman, WIN!
oh eh, you should, let'r sashay away there bud ~ Canadian RuPaul
J-Lo's Daughter Is An Author!
She is well on her way to becoming a triple threat!
Melissa Etheridge’s 21-Year-Old Son Dies
Robert Pattinson Shot His Own GQ Cover Photo in Quarantine
Not bad!
Jonah Hill Has Overtaken Samuel L. Jackson For Dropping The Most Swear Words In movies
"So many people to thank.”
Oprah Winfrey Is Launching A Virtual Version Of Her Wellness Tour
Winfrey made the announced on social Wednesday!
The Top TV Shows People Started Watching While Social Distancing
What have you been watching?
Bryan Adam Apologizes For Rant About Chinese Wet Markets
Setting the record straight!
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