We Feel Tired Three Days A Week!
Quality over quantity
Madonna And Peal Jam Cancel Shows!
As fears continue to mount, celebrities aren't taking any chances either
Katy Perry Shares Pregnancy News With Her Grandmother Just Before Her Passing
Bitter sweet
Wheel of Fortune And Jeopardy Will Be Taped Without A Studio Audience!
This out of an abundance of caution!
Here’s Why OJ Tastes So Bad After You Brush Your Teeth!
Have you ever brushed your teeth, then immediately had orange juice, and it's the worst taste in the world?
Mishap Causes Red Wine To Flow Through Faucets Of Italian Town
How great would it be if you could just turn on the tap and wine came out? It happened to an Italian village!
$1000 Minute Monday, March 9th
How did you do this morning?
Dolly Parton Wants To Celebrate Her 75th Birthday In A Big Way! By Posing For Playboy Again!
Dolly wants to do another playboy cover!
Family Accidentally Orders 12 Years Worth Of Toilet Paper!
Holy Crap!
Disney And Pixar’s Onward Take The Top Spot At The Box Office This Weekend!
But it's not all good
Christina Aguilera Performs The Title Track For Mulan, 22 Years After The first One
Powerful !
Hot Dog Eating Champ Breaks World Record for Eating 32 Big Macs
I guess he’s bored of eating hot dogs!
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